Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Full Moons and Bristly Elephants

We had a lovely three day break at the beach during Wesak last year (to commemorate when Buddha was enlightened or something. Sorry I should know. Festival of lights, their most important 'poya' day.) There is a Poya day every month, well every full moon. which amounts to the same thing. Sri Lanka certainly knows how to do holidays. There are over 20 bank holidays a year.

Anyway we stayed in a gorgeous hotel which was a very generous gift from a friend, beautiful beach, good surf, "nice swimming pool" as A always says (about any hole in the ground with water enough for swimming) and an elephant for rides, which our 6 year old was desperate to do. Until he saw the elephant..... (a smallish Asian tufty haired, friendly looking fellow.) The reason given? "Too bristly and no seat".

We were told the monsoon begins after Wesak. How the monsoon knows that once Buddha has been enlightened it can rain I dont know, but it really did start straight after that w/e. It rained at some point every day, and also a lot at night which always woke us up as we have a tin roof.

I hope the rains start soon this year. It's already so hot and humid. I feel my ragged temper fraying more by the day.

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